Filming at Balboa Highlands Eichler Homes
Eichler Homes are a natural when it comes to filming. They often open unlimited camera angles and lots of space for equipment as well as versatility of style. Balboa Highlands in particular is a very popular spot for filmmakers and photographers due to its proximity to the studios of Los Angeles. The show Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) has used the neighborhood in numerous episodes. The neighbors often joke about what a crime ridden area they live in, when in actuality – the neighborhood is incredibly safe – everyone knows their neighbors and everybody keeps an eye out for them.
Balboa Highlands homes have been seen in numerous stills as well, such as Los Angeles Magazine, Metropolis Magazine, and in Stussy (young men’s apparel) ads. The next time you see a fabulous Modern home on TV or in the movies – it just might be an Eichler home!
Location scouts are generally welcome to take photos and submit homes for future filming.
Homeowners who have not had filming done before should check with their neighbors to make sure they are being given a fair price for their location shoots.